Welcome to St. Nicholas Website. I hope you find what you are looking for. Please do not hesitate to contact us! We will be very pleased to hear from you.
God bless.
St. Nicholas Parish Church stands at the heart of the community of Newport.
Its location is very central to the town centre. We are pleased to serve the whole town of Newport throughout each year in differing ways.
Our mission statement putting Jesus at the heart of community through worship, love and sharing hope.
There is much to discover. Much about God. Much about ourselves. Much about the Community of Newport and Shropshire. Much about the history of this beautiful building that goes back almost a thousand years.
Every Sunday is special. We have special Civic / Community times of Worship throughout the year.
The church is always open a quarter of an hour before services and you are very welcome to join us in fellowship with refreshments after each service.
The Church and town work carefully and successfully together in many and various ways, and have done so for many years.
Safeguarding: St Nicholas Church is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. Our Safeguarding Coordinator is (Willaim Pickering) and can be contacted on (07402861571).
Many visitors grace this beautiful church which serves the community of Newport.
It is a place of true spiritual beauty.
You are most welcome!
Our Weekly Events
Every day: The Church is open for prayer and quiet reflection: 10-3pm
Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion (1,2,3,5 Sundays) and 4th Sunday is All Age Worship
Wednesday 10:30am Said Communion/ Morning Prayer
All services followed by tea, coffee and very nice biscuits.
Civic Services
Throughout the year: Mayoral Inauguration Service:
Remembrance Sunday Procession and Service
Christmas Civic Carol Service:
Harvest Fesitval:
Collective Worship happens in various schools.